Jesus fish sign - Σήμα Ι.Χ.Θ.Υ.Σ.

Greek Orthodox names that start with the letter H

HAIDO (Haido, Haideftos)1Septemberclick for the saint's iconclick for the saint's icon and bio (at the moment only in Greek)
HAIREAS (Haireas)0not known  
HAIREDIMOS (Hairedimos)0not known  
HAIREIAS (Haireias)0not known  
HAIRESTRATOS (Hairestratos)0not known  
HAIRIMON (Hairimon)0not known  
HALKON (Halkon)0not known  
HAPPY NEW YEAR !!! - Please mention as your source of the Greek Orthodox namedays - Thanks.1January click for the saint's icon and bio (at the moment only in Greek)
HAPPY NEW YEAR !!! - Please mention as your source of the Greek Orthodox namedays - Thanks.3January click for the saint's icon and bio (at the moment only in Greek)
HAPPY NEW YEAR !!! - Please mention as your source of the Greek Orthodox namedays - Thanks.4January click for the saint's icon and bio (at the moment only in Greek)
HAPPY NEW YEAR !!! - Please mention as your source of the Greek Orthodox namedays - Thanks.5January click for the saint's icon and bio (at the moment only in Greek)
HAPPY NEW YEAR !!! - Please mention as your source of the Greek Orthodox namedays - Thanks.2January click for the saint's icon and bio (at the moment only in Greek)
HAPPY NEW YEAR !!! - Please mention as your source of the Greek Orthodox namedays - Thanks.6January click for the saint's icon and bio (at the moment only in Greek)
HARALAMBIA (Hara, Haralambia, Haralampia, Lambia,Lampia, Lambo, Lampo, Bambina, Bilio, Mpilio, Hambi, Hampi)10February click for the saint's icon and bio (at the moment only in Greek)
HARALAMBOS (Haralambos, Haralampos, Haralampous)10Februaryclick for the saint's iconclick for the saint's icon and bio (at the moment only in Greek)
HARIDIMOS (Haridimos)0not knownclick for the saint's iconclick for the saint's icon and bio (at the moment only in Greek)
HARIKLIA (1) (Hariklia, Haroula)1Septemberclick for the saint's iconclick for the saint's icon and bio (at the moment only in Greek)
HARIKLIA (2) (Hariklia, Haroula)10February  
HARIKLIS (Hariklis)0not known  
HARILAOS (Harilaos, Haris)10February  
HARINOS (Harinos)0not known  
HARIS (Haris)28Januaryclick for the saint's iconclick for the saint's icon and bio (at the moment only in Greek)
HARISIOS (Harisios)1March  
HARITINI (Haritine, Haritini, Tina, Hara)5Octoberclick for the saint's iconclick for the saint's icon and bio (at the moment only in Greek)
HARITON (Hariton)28September  
HARMIDIS (Harmidis)0not known  
HARMOS (Harmos)0not known  
HARON (Haron)0not known  
HAVRIAS (Havrias)0not known  
HEILON (Heilon)0not known  
HEIRON (Heiron)0not known  
HELEN (Elena, Elene, Ellen, Eleni, Lena, Eleanor, Eleonora, Eleonor, Nora, Marilena)21May  
HELIDONA (Helidona)0not known  
HELIOSTALAKTI (Heliostalakti)15August click for the saint's icon and bio (at the moment only in Greek)
HENOE (Henoe, Enoe)20October  
HERCULES (Herakles)10Aprilclick for the saint's iconclick for the saint's icon and bio (at the moment only in Greek)
HERMES (Hermis)8March  
HERMIONI (Ermione, Ermioni)4September  
HERSIAS (Hersias)0not known  
HERSIFRON (Hersifron)0not known  
HILDA (Hilda)17Novemberclick for the saint's iconclick for the saint's icon and bio (at the moment only in Greek)
HIMAIRA (Himaira)0not known  
HION (Hion)0not known  
HIONI (Hioni)0not known  
HIONIA (Hionia)16April  
HLORIS (Hloris)0not known  
HOIRILOS (Hoirilos)0not known  
HOMER (Homer)10Aprilclick for the saint's iconclick for the saint's icon and bio (at the moment only in Greek)
HRISAVGI (Chrysavgi, Chrisavgi)25December  
HRISOULA (Chrisoula, Chrysoula, Celia)25December  
HRYSA (Chrysa, Hrisa)25December  
HRYSANTHOS (Crysanthos)19March  
HRYSAPHIS (Chrysaphis, Chrisaphis)25Octoberclick for the saint's iconclick for the saint's icon and bio (at the moment only in Greek)
HRYSIIS (Hrysiis)0not known  
HRYSIPPOS (Hrysippos)0not known  
HRYSOKOMIS (Hrysokomis)0not known  
HRYSOSTOMOS (Chrysostomos)13Novemberclick for the saint's iconclick for the saint's icon and bio (at the moment only in Greek)
HRYSOTHEMIS (Hrysothemis)0not known  
HRYSOVALANTOU (Chrisovalantis, Chrysovalantou)28July  

total 59

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keywords for indexing: eortologio, namedays, orthodox namedays, celebration, name days, name day, synaxarium, synaxaristis, sinaxaristis, movable namedays, Pascha, Easter, when is my nameday, orthodox, orthodoxy, saint, saints, martyr, martyrology, hagiology, paschalion, pasha, pasxa, easter, catholic, church, celebration, birthday, eortologio, greek namedays, menology, menaion, menaia, name day, movable, great, feasts, Gospel, Christian community, griechische, namenstage, eortes, giortes, pote giortazei, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024, 2025.