Jesus fish sign - Σήμα Ι.Χ.Θ.Υ.Σ.

Greek Orthodox names that start with the letter I

IAKHOS (Iakhos)17December  
IAMOS (Iamos)0not known  
IAMVLIHOS (Iamvlihos)0not known  
IANOS (Janos, Janus, Ianos, Gennadi, Gennaro, Janan, Janiusz, Januarius, Janusz, Jenaro, Jenarius, Jennaro)21Aprilclick for the saint's iconclick for the saint's icon and bio (at the moment only in Greek)
IAPETOS (Iapetos)0not known  
IASIMOS (Iasimos)4February  
IASION (Iasion)0not known  
IASO (Iaso)0not known  
ICONIA (Iconia, Eikonia)0not known  
IDAIA (Idaia)0not known  
IDAIOS (Idaios)0not known  
IDILI (Idelle, Hedili, Idella)0not known  
IDOMENEFS (Idomenefs, Idomeneas)0not known  
IERAX (Ierax)1June  
IERIA (Ieria)3June  
IEROKLIS (Ieroklis)0not known  
IERONYMOS (Ieronymos, Jeronymo)15June  
IEROTHEOS (Ierotheos)4October  
IETION (Ietion)0not known  
IFAISTOS (Ifaistos)0not known  
IFESTION (Ifestion)10April  
IFIGENIA (Ifigenia, Efigenia, Ephigenia)16Novemberclick for the saint's iconclick for the saint's icon and bio (at the moment only in Greek)
IFIKRATEIA (Ifikrateia)0not known  
IFIKRATIS (Ifikratis)0not known  
IFITOS (Ifitos)0not known  
IGELOHOS (Igelohos)0not known  
IGIAS (Igias)0not known  
IGIMON (Igimon)0not known  
IGISANDROS (Igisandros)0not known  
IGISIANAX (Igisianax)0not known  
IGISIAS (Igisias)0not known  
IGISIPPOS (Igisippos)0not known  
IGITOR (Igitor)0not known  
IGNATIOS (1) (Ignatios)14Octoberclick for the saint's iconclick for the saint's icon and bio (at the moment only in Greek)
IGNATIOS (2) (Ignatios)20Decemberclick for the saint's iconclick for the saint's icon and bio (at the moment only in Greek)
IHO (Iho, Echo)0not known  
IKARIOS (Ikarios)0not known  
IKELIDAS (Ikelidas)0not known  
IKETAS (Iketas)0not known  
IKTINOS (Iktinos)0not known  
ILARION (Ilarion, Ilarionas, Ilaria, Ilariada, Lariada)6June  
ILEKTRA (Ilektra, Electra)0not known  
ILEKTRION (Ilektrion, Electrion)0not known  
ILIANA (Iliana, Ilias)9March  
ILIAS (Ilias, Iliada)0not known  
ILIODOROS (Iliodoros, Iliodora, Heliodora, Eldora, Eleadora, Eleodora, Elda)20August  
ILIOFOTOS (Heliofotos)13July  
ILIONI (Ilioni, Helioni)0not known  
ILIOS (Ilios, Helios)0not known  
ILLOS (Illos, Helos)0not known  
ILLYRIOS (Illyrios)3April  
IMVRIOS (Imvrios)0not known  
INAHOS (Inahos)0not known  
INIOHOS (Iniohos)0not known  
INO (Ino)0not known  
IO (Io)0not known  
IO (Io)0not known  
IOANIKIOS (Ioannikios)4November  
IOANNIS ROSSOS (Ioannis Rossos)27May  
IOKASTI (Iokasti)0not known  
IOLI (Ioli)0not known  
IOLKIOS (Iolkios)0not known  
IOLLAS (Iollas)0not known  
IONI (Ioni)0not known  
IOUBENALIOS (Ioubenalios, Jouvenalious)13December  
IOULIANOS (Ioulianos, Joulian)16March  
IOUSTA (Iousta, Jousta)2October  
IOV (*) (2) (Iov, Job, Iovia, Iobia, Jobia, Jovia, Iovi, Iobi)14Decemberclick for the saint's iconclick for the saint's icon and bio (at the moment only in Greek)
IOV (1) (Iov, Job, Iovia, Iobia, Jobia, Jovia, Iovi, Iobi)6Mayclick for the saint's iconclick for the saint's icon and bio (at the moment only in Greek)
IOVATIS (Iovatis)0not known  
IPAPANTI (Ypapante, Ypapanti)2February  
IPIONI (Ipioni)0not known  
IPOMONI (Ypomoni)29Mayclick for the saint's iconclick for the saint's icon and bio (at the moment only in Greek)
IPPARHOS (Ipparhos)0not known  
IPPI (Ippi)0not known  
IPPIAS (Ippias)0not known  
IPPODAMEIA (Ippodameia)0not known  
IPPOKRATIS (Ippokratis)0not known  
IPPOLYTOS (Ippolytos)10August  
IPPON (Ippon)0not known  
IPPOSTHENIS (Ipposthenis)0not known  
IRA (Ira, Hera)0not known  
IRAKLEIDIS (Irakleidis, Heraklidis)0not known  
IRAKLEITOS (Irakleitos, Heraklitos)0not known  
IREAS (Ireas)0not known  
IRIGONI (Irigoni)0not known  
IRILLOS (Irillos)0not known  
IRINARHOS (Eirenarhos, Irenarhos, Irinarhos)28November  
IRINI (*) (3) (Eirene, Eirini, Irene, Irini, Rene, Rena, Renia, Rhenia)22Aprilclick for the saint's iconclick for the saint's icon and bio (at the moment only in Greek)
IRINI (1) (Eirene, Eirini, Irene, Irini, Rene, Rena, Renia, Rhenia)5Mayclick for the saint's iconclick for the saint's icon and bio (at the moment only in Greek)
IRINI (2) (Eirene, Eirini, Irene, Irini)28Julyclick for the saint's iconclick for the saint's icon and bio (at the moment only in Greek)
IRINNA (Irinna)0not known  
IRIS (Iris, Irida, Irais, Iraida, Rhais)23Septemberclick for the saint's iconclick for the saint's icon and bio (at the moment only in Greek)
IRO (Iro, Hero)10August  
IRODION (Rodion, Herodion, Herodias, Herodiada)10Novemberclick for the saint's iconclick for the saint's icon and bio (at the moment only in Greek)
IRODOROS (Irodoros)0not known  
IRODOTOS (Irodotos)0not known  
IROFILI (Irofili)0not known  
IROFILOS (Irofilos)0not known  
IRON (Iron, Heron)10August  
ISAAC (*) (Isaac)14Decemberclick for the saint's iconclick for the saint's icon and bio (at the moment only in Greek)
ISAIOS (Isaios)0not known  
ISANDROS (Isandros)0not known  
ISAVELLA (Isavella)0not known  
ISIDORA (Isidora, Dora)1Mayclick for the saint's iconclick for the saint's icon and bio (at the moment only in Greek)
ISIDOROS (1) (Isidoros)4February  
ISIDOROS (2) (Isidoros)14May  
ISIODOS (Isiodos)0not known  
ISIONI (Isioni)0not known  
ISMAIL (Ismail)17June  
ISMENE (Jasmin, Yasmin, Jasmeen, Yasmeen, Ismini)1September  
ISOCRATES (Isocratis)10Aprilclick for the saint's iconclick for the saint's icon and bio (at the moment only in Greek)
ISTHMIONIKIS (Isthmionikis)0not known  
ISTROS (Istros)0not known  
ISYHIOS (Isyhios)6March  
ITHAKOS (Ithakos)0not known  
ITHYKLIS (Ithyklis)0not known  
ITI (Iti)0not known  
ITYS (Itys)0not known  
IVI (Ivi)0not known  
IVYKOS (Ivykos)0not known  
IXION (Ixion)0not known  
IXIONI (Ixioni)0not known  

total 123

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keywords for indexing: eortologio, namedays, orthodox namedays, celebration, name days, name day, synaxarium, synaxaristis, sinaxaristis, movable namedays, Pascha, Easter, when is my nameday, orthodox, orthodoxy, saint, saints, martyr, martyrology, hagiology, paschalion, pasha, pasxa, easter, catholic, church, celebration, birthday, eortologio, greek namedays, menology, menaion, menaia, name day, movable, great, feasts, Gospel, Christian community, griechische, namenstage, eortes, giortes, pote giortazei, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024, 2025.